Unibeast .dmg
Step 4: Now start UniBeast that you downloaded in Step 2 above. Step 5: Skip through the first few screens by clicking Continue or Agree, until you get to Destination Select screen. Step 6: Select your USB drive and click Continue to proceed. Step 7: On Installation Type screen, make sure Mac App Store Mavericks – 10.9 is selected in packages. Jerrick Leger is a CompTIA-certified IT Specialist with more than 10 years' experience in technical support and IT fields. He is also a systems administrator for an IT firm in Texas serving small businesses. The code for terminal:defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE killall Finder Quick video on how to install Unibeast without Appstore.
Ok, So you Downloaded Lion 10.7.3 App from app store and want to make bootable usb for your hackintosh , ( for installing osx lion in pc )UniBeast is an application brought to you by tonymacx86. It creates bootable USB of macOS in just a couple of clicks. However, there are more things we need to do to make it usable. In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to create bootable USB of macOS Mojave using UniBeast. To create Read more →. UniBeastonly needs InstallESD.dmgfrom the Install OS X.app. So, if you already have that file, you do not need to download the installer from Apple AppStore anymore. All you need to do is to create a directory structure (so called package) to satisfy UniBeast. If a macOS installer can't be used on your Mac, the installer will let you know. For example, it might say that your Mac doesn't have enough free storage space for the installation, or that the installer is too old to be opened on this version of macOS. No, I don't, tried with Oracle VM but it can't seem to load the dmg file,neither the converted iso from it. Level 1 10.12.6/10.14.6 b1/Win10 1 point 4 years ago.
then here is step by step guide :
- Running MAC OSX ( tested on lion 10.7.3 )
- Copy of OSX Lion App
- 8 GB or Higher USB drive
- 30-40 minutes
PART 1 : Prepare DMG
- Download OS X 10.7.3 Lion from the App Store
- Go to the /Applications/ directory and right-click on “Install Mac OS X Lion.app” selecting “Show Package Contents”
- Open the “Contents” directory and then open “SharedSupport”, looking for a file named “InstallESD.dmg”
- Double-click on InstallESD.dmg to mount it
- open terminal and paste these commands to ShowAllFiles
$ defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
$ killall Finder - Mount ‘BaseSystem.Dmg’
Unibeast Dmg
Mount BaseSystem.dmg |
PART II : Prepare USB
- 2. Open /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility
- Choose USB drive in left column
- Click Partition tab
- Click Current and choose 1 Partition
- ClickOptions…
- ChooseMaster Boot Record (important )
- Download UniBeast and run it
- Go like normal installation just next next
- Choose USB as destination
- choose Mac App Store “Install Mac OS X Lion”
- you can check for laptop support ( if you want to install in laptop )
- click continue andinstall
- it will take 20 to 35 minutes depend on your system
reboot and choose USB as ur first Boot Drive
and from chimera Bootloader Choose USB drive as your booting Partiton
and go like normal hackintosh installation
Unibeast Dmg Image
if that information was helpful for you
please share it